2020. 1. 24. 13:47ㆍ카테고리 없음
JohnsonOutboards 1922 - The Beginning YearsJohnsonoutboard motors made their public debut at the New York Boat Show inJanuary 1922. It is unlikely that the Johnson brothers; Lou, Harry,Clarence and their brother-in-law Warren Conover, had any idea of theimpact their little outboard would have on the world of boating.TheJohnson brothers were cut from the same cloth as many of the great Americanengineers of the early part of the 20th century. From relatively humblebeginnings in Terre Haute Indiana, the Johnson’s became some ofthe premiere engineers of their day. Easyrope starting the Johnson Model A-25Whywas the Johnson's little outboard such a tremendous success? In additionto being lighter in weight, the Johnson Waterbug or Light Twin (Bothnames were used in the advertising) incorporated many features thatwe take for granted today but were revolutionary in 1922.
A key componentwas the reliable flywheel magneto from the Quick Action Magneto Co ofSouth Bend IN - later to become part of the Johnson company. Many outboardsin 1922 used battery ignition and some still had large gear driven magnetoslike the ones used on cars & tractors. The Johnsons Quick ActionMagneto was small, compact and among the most reliable ever constructed.This magneto proved so good that the majority are still working 85 yearslater!Anotherfeature was the use of a rope to start the motor. Here again, Johnsonset the trend over the competition who used “knucklebuster”knobs, leather straps or required the operator to wrestle the flywheelto start their outboards. (These were the days long before OSHA!) Therope start was simple, relatively safe (as long as you don’t whipsomeone with the cord!) and effective.Therewere a number of other novel features incorporated in the Johnson outboard;the easy to use and reliable carburetor with three settings; Choke,Fast & Slow. A simple piston waterpump to cool the motor was employedfor many years.
And to keep the motor on the boat but still make itdetachable in a jiffy, secure screw-type transom clamps were used. (Someoutboards required you to bolt them on the transom!) The ability totilt the motor up when beaching or in shallow water was also a rareon other outboards in 1922. While these features may be commonplacetoday, the Johnson brothers were the first to combine all of them.Oneof the most welcome and useful new features on the Waterbugs was theability to turn (or swivel) the motor through a full 360 degrees. Thisgave the operator much greater maneuverability and a positive actingreverse for bringing the boat into the dock. While this feature hadbeen used for some time by the European brand Penta, (the Johnson’slicensed it from them), Johnson was the first US company to popularizeit.
Re: Johnson Seahorse TN 28 5-hp You are good to go with those beginning adjustments. Actually, the slow speed one will usually wind up to be very close to 5/8 turn once adjusted. Check your ignition system before getting all involved with the carburetor. Cracked coils are a high probability.
Johnson Tn 26
This feature met with immediate public acceptance and is still incorporatedon many small outboards today.Thesuccess of the Johnson outboard and its variants; salt water (brass& bronze), canoe mount and even the very rare Model F inboard, wasimmediate and far reaching. Almost overnight the Johnson’s wereproducing more outboard motors than anyone else in the world and theyworked hard to keep the lead.TheModel A received an update in 1925 becoming the A-25 and also receiveda single cylinder brother the J-25 the same year. In 1926 a larger motorcalled the Model P and rated at 6 horsepower, was introduced. Each subsequentyear more models and higher horsepower models were produced, outboardinghaving caught the publics fancy in a big way! Competition from rivalslike Ole Evinrude’s second company Elto, Lockwood and the originalEvinrude firm, created a swarm of advancements in technology & horsepower.Johnson lead the way with many new features in the late 1920’s;rotary valving, higher horsepower and, possibly their crowning achievement,the smooth alternate firing A and K models of 1930. (1929 was the firsttime the famous Sea Horse logo appeared!).
1930Model A-50 Alternate Firing Twin 4hpThesuccess of the Johnson brand right from the start set the pace for decadesto come. Even after becoming part of Outboard Marine & ManufacturingCorporation (later known as OMC), Johnson was still the one with thefirsts: first with remote fuel tanks, first with full gearshift, firstmanufacturer to make 1 million outboards and many others!ModelIdentificationJohnsonoutboards from the 1920's and 30's will have their model and serialnumber on the top of the flywheel stamped into the rope sheave. (Seephoto below).
TypicalJohnson Model ID (1925 AB-25 Shown)Thenewer hooded models will have the number stamped into the front of thegas tank or on the port (left) bottom side of the block about ½way between the front & back of the motor. (You may need to removethe cowl to see the number)Clickon the.pdf file below to see a listing of all the Johnson models from1922 to 1942. (You will need the Adobe PDF viewer tosee the link)The age of a specific motor can be obtained by simply reading the serialnumber and comparing it to the chart below. It has been observed thatsome serial numbers will fall into a different year from the model theydepict, this is because a motor was produced at the end of the calendaryear for sale in the new year. (An example is the webmasters HD-39 thathas a 1938 serial number) Also different will be Canadian Johnson motors - the below is only for South Bend or Waukegan produced motors: JohnsonSerial Numbers 1921-42Starting#Ending#. 21575CaringFor Your 1922-42 Johnson Outboard TodayDueto the number of models produced from 1922 to 1942 it is next to impossibleto completely cover all the service and maintenance differences uniqueto each. Here is a very brief overview to consider should you be lookingto put one of these motors back in service.Magnetosand Spark PlugsTheearly Johnsons all used Quick Action magnetos and these have provento be very durable and reliable.
In most cases the coils themselvesare fine however it is likely the condenser will need to be replaced- any 2 microfarad equivalent will work. It is also recommended thatthe spark plug wire be replaced since most will have deteriorated tothe point of cracking. Be sure to use only copper cored sparkplug wire,the modern automotive carbon core wire will not work. The points onalmost all models should be completely disassembled and thoroughly cleanedsince oil will often have soaked into the insulators causing them toshort. Most Johnson models had a point gap of.020” and sparkplug gap of.032”. The gives the original sparkplug recommendation, you can crossreference this to a modern plug at thewebsite.
- USED 1952-1953 JOHNSON TN-28 375567 GAS TANK & FILLER CAP ASSY (CD4) See more like this.
- Evinrude E-TEC Direct Injection engines are not only cleaner, but has all the best qualities of a four-stroke. Find out what makes us best-in-class.
Timing on all Johnson outboards in this period will be variablesince the magneto plate moves to advance and retard the spark as needed. JohnsonModel AB-25 Lower Unit (Bronze) Standard L/U ismade of aluminumLowerUnit & Water PumpTheearly Model A and J Johnsons and even the later 1930’s motorsused a piston pump with small check valves. The piston must be freeto move and the check valves have to be able to do their jobs to havethe motor pump water.Startingin the late 1920’s all but the little Model J single Johnson outboardshad a very simple pressure/vacuum cooling system that used the propwash to force water up into the block and down and out ahead of thepropeller. For this system to work all the plumbing must be 100% airtight and obviously there is no tell-tail – your only system checkis how hot the cylinders get!
Even after other waterpump systems weredeveloped the pressure/vacuum system was used on many of the higher9, 16 and 22 horsepower Johnson outboards up into the 1950's.Inthe 1930's a notherwater pump using an eccentric cam of brass and later a rubber rotorwas used on the smaller 2-5hp motors. These have been found to performwell typically with only a good cleaning. Should you need a new rubberrotor for one of the HD or TD series, AOMCI member Bob Long in WA makesreplacements - Bob can be reached at the following email address:flyingscott91@yahoo.com.
A-25Carburetor (Typical)FuelSystem, Oil Mix & StartingThefloat type carburetors used on most early Johnson models are simpleand reliable. Many times a good cleaning of the bowl and tank is allthat is required to put them back in running condition. Due to the corrosiveeffects of modern gasoline it would be wise to recoat the cork floatin the carburetor with a modern fuel-proof coating – discuss thiswith your local hobby shop owner, they will be able to offer the bestalcohol proof solution.Besure all fuel fittings are tight and leak free. Most solid fuel linescan be reproduced using copper line and compression fittings still foundat hardware an plumbing stores today.Thefuel mixture will vary from model to model, most use a fuel mix of 1/2ptof TCW-3 outboard oil per gallon of gasoline. CAUTION: A few ofthe budget motors and all the performance motors in the 1930's may require3/4 and even 1 pint per gallon!
Be sure to use a quality regular gradeof gasoline, lead free is fine and actually what was originally recommended(then known as Marine White Gasoline). Only use a quality grade of 2-cycleoil marked TCW-3, never use automotive type oils.TheJohnson A, A-25 and many of the other early motors have only a singleneedle valve. Begin with this at 3/4 to 1 turn open from the lightlyseated position and adjust it when the motor starts to the best runningposition. Once the fuel tap is turned on in a few seconds you shouldsee the needle shaft rise out of the bowl cover. If the motor is coldyou can tap the needle a couple of times to 'splash' someraw gas into the carb to assist in starting - don't over-do it, or youwill flood the motor.
Place the carb lever on 'C' for chokeand advance the magneto handle to the center of its travel (See themodel ID photo above for the approximate location). If the motor doesnot start after 3 rapid tugs on the starter rope place the carb leveron 'F' for fast and try 3 more tugs. If the motor still willnot run then shut off the fuel tap and continue with 3-5 tugs on thestarter rope - once the motor starts be sure to turn the fuel valveback on! 1939DT-39 5hpLostor Broken PartsUnfortunately,if you have a 1922-42 Johnson outboard you can’t go to your localJohnson dealer and expect any help. The are free ads and deliver amazing results if you are lookingto buy parts or find a good home for an old Johnson outboard.
You canalso try one of the many on-line auctions like eBay or Craigs List butfor our money theis better!Some vendors we have for related parts are as follow, click on the link and it will take you to the website. (Please note we do not have anyaffiliation with these folks)(Ignition supplies)(Stock and custom pistonrings)(Spark plugs and old plug conversion)(Reproduction parts)(Ignition wireand terminals)(Decals)(Waterpumpimpellers for TD series and later).
Johnson Tn 28 Parts Catalog
Lost the spark 'suddenly' on 1 cylinder Friday while running in the tank. I assumed points and found them at my local dealer. I fought with the flywheel all weekend. It was REALLY on there!!! It finally popped off this morning.
I think these are the 62 year old coils! There's 3 at the dealer but I can wait till tomorrow. I need to take the water pump with me and try to find a rebuild kit or at least a grommet I can modify for the water tube. It's missing. Impeller is new. I doubt they'll have, or can get, gaskets for the lower end.
May have to make those unless someone has a set laying around somewhere. Believe I told you about aomci.com twice so far. That will be a good source for parts and technical information.Seaway Marine out in Seattle will probably have whatever your dealer does not.Marineengine.com is another good source for parts that the dealer does not carryThe fact that the engine still has the original coils is a blessing.means that some idiot didn't get it running and use a 50:1 mixture in it.cphill - your 1961 engine is a piece of cake. Almost all service parts are readily available through a dealer.BTW -your mixture for that plain bearing engine is 24:1. Nothing less. 20:1 even better! Well, a little research pays off.
That poping(coughing) was a fuel/air mixture problem, both high and low speed. Adjusted just a bit and it ran fine this morning.That 'open port' in the last picture is the slow speed mixture adjustment. I read this before and totaly forgot.
It has a brass insert restricting air imput to a preset amount. Motor dies when I restrict the opening.even just a little!
Now, I can SEE the fuel passing through, inside of that hole. LMAO, it looks like some primative 'flux capacitor' thing from 'back To The Future'! While revisiting the manuals, I expected to find a filter, baffle, or screen that I was missing. I've found nothing.